Ronald E. Logue served as CEO of State Street Corporation, a leading financial services company, until his retirement in March 2010. He played a crucial role in shaping State Street's strategies during his tenure, focusing on growth and performance metrics...
Ronald E. Logue served as CEO of State Street Corporation, a leading financial services company, until his retirement in March 2010. He played a crucial role in shaping State Street's strategies during his tenure, focusing on growth and performance metrics like revenue growth and return on equity. Logue’s compensation was significant, peaking at $2.25 million in 2010, which included a special $6 million transition award as part of his management succession plan. Notably, he transitioned from CEO to non-executive Chairman after his retirement, ensuring a smooth leadership change within the company. His background in finance has been central to his contributions at State Street, facilitating his ability to lead and deliver on performance targets, ultimately benefiting shareholders. After his official retirement from day-to-day operations, he maintained a presence in the company until January 2011, when he stepped down as chairman. Logue’s leadership has been marked by a commitment to aligning executive compensation with company performance, using metrics like earnings per share and shareholder returns to guide decisions.