Suzanne Sitherwood's holdings reflect a deep connection to Spire Inc. As of 2023, her wealth was primarily tied to company stock. She has seen her stock portfolio fluctuate significantly over her tenure, with substantial vested stock payouts. For example, in...
Suzanne Sitherwood's holdings reflect a deep connection to Spire Inc. As of 2023, her wealth was primarily tied to company stock. She has seen her stock portfolio fluctuate significantly over her tenure, with substantial vested stock payouts. For example, in 2022, she realized over $1.8 million from vested stock, illustrating her strong link to Spire's performance. At times, her net worth was heavily based on Spire's stock price, especially after years of consistent performance growth. As she transitions to retirement in 2023, her holdings in Spire remain a key asset. Overall, her financial ties to the company underscore her belief in its long-term success and stability.