Thomas G. Creery served as the CEO of HF Sinclair Corporation until his retirement on July 31, 2022. During his time, he played a key role in transforming the company, particularly focusing on its Renewables segment, which became a distinct...

Number of Employees




Total Compensation




Board Justification

The compensation philosophy emphasizes performance-based pay, aligning executive compensation with company performance and shareholder interests.



Board Justification

The annual bonus is based on the company's financial and operational performance, including environmental and safety metrics, measured against pre-established goals for 2022.



Board Justification

Other compensation includes retirement contributions and health benefits paid out in 2022.

Restricted Stock

$0.00(0 N/A)

Board Justification

No stock vested in 2022 as the focus is on cash compensation and performance-based bonuses.

Performance Metrics

Performance metrics include financial results, operational efficiency, and safety performance.

SEC Filing

From April 6, 2023