Thomas G. Creery served as the CEO of HF Sinclair Corporation until his retirement on July 31, 2022. During his time, he played a key role in transforming the company, particularly focusing on its Renewables segment, which became a distinct...
Thomas G. Creery served as the CEO of HF Sinclair Corporation until his retirement on July 31, 2022. During his time, he played a key role in transforming the company, particularly focusing on its Renewables segment, which became a distinct business unit in 2022. Under his leadership, HF Sinclair achieved impressive financial metrics, including a net income of $2.9 billion for the year, showcasing significant operational success. An interesting moment in his career was when he executed insider trades, with the highest value reaching $8.76 million in November 2022, indicating extensive investment in the company’s future. His compensation in 2022 totaled $470,000, including a $350,000 salary and a performance-based bonus, reflecting a focus on operational achievements. After retirement, Creery continued to provide his insights to the company through a consulting agreement, earning a $100,000 monthly retainer for his expertise. Overall, his tenure paved the way for sustainable practices and solidified HF Sinclair's market position while aligning executive compensation with performance goals.