Thomas W. Hill served as the President and CEO of Summit Materials from March 2015 until his departure in September 2020. During his tenure, he played a significant role in navigating the company through periods of growth and transformation, including...
Thomas W. Hill served as the President and CEO of Summit Materials from March 2015 until his departure in September 2020. During his tenure, he played a significant role in navigating the company through periods of growth and transformation, including the company's IPO in 2015. Hill's compensation fluctuated notably, with records showing a peak total compensation of around $6.8 million in 2019, but saw a drop to about $2.5 million in 2020 where performance goals were not met, reflecting the company’s challenging year. He was not awarded any cash bonuses in 2020 due to performance shortfalls and faced challenges in meeting stock vesting targets as well. Hill's insider trading activity showed his significant ownership and confidence in Summit's direction, reaching a high of $11.71 million in holdings by December 2021. Interestingly, he has a background as an operator and also served as an interim COO during a transition period in 2017. Hill transitioned to a consultant role post-termination, ensuring his insights and knowledge were still valued by the company. His strategic focus remained on company performance metrics like EBITDA and safety, and he emphasized long-term shareholder value throughout his time as CEO.