As of recent reports, William J. Amelio has shown active management of his stock holdings in Avnet. During his time as CEO, his net worth saw significant fluctuations, especially given the ties to the company's performance. Initially, while serving as...
As of recent reports, William J. Amelio has shown active management of his stock holdings in Avnet. During his time as CEO, his net worth saw significant fluctuations, especially given the ties to the company's performance. Initially, while serving as CEO, his stake in Avnet was substantial, reflecting a deep commitment to the company's future. However, there have been periods where his holdings decreased, particularly after leaving the company in 2020, suggesting he diversified his assets elsewhere. His trading history showcases strategic timing, with various transactions that signaled confidence in the firm's direction. What stands out is that despite these changes, Amelio's dedication to Avnet’s vision remained clear throughout his tenure.