Robert T. Huang, born in 1963, is a seasoned executive with a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration. He served as the CEO of TD SYNNEX Corporation from 2003 until his retirement in 2008 after leading the company through significant growth...
Robert T. Huang, born in 1963, is a seasoned executive with a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration. He served as the CEO of TD SYNNEX Corporation from 2003 until his retirement in 2008 after leading the company through significant growth and strategic transitions. Under his leadership, he earned a total compensation peaking at around $2.2 million in 2007, marked by a notable bonus structure tied to performance metrics. Huang's approach was heavily focused on driving results, as demonstrated by his participation in a profit-sharing plan that rewarded him significantly when the company performed well. Interestingly, after retiring, Huang remained engaged with the company as Chairman of the Board. His influence also extended to the market, where he was active in insider trading, with notable transactions in 2021 and 2022, including a peak of over $670K in a single month. His deep-rooted experience in the business and tech supply chain continues to shape the strategic direction at TD SYNNEX, showcasing his lasting impact on the company.