Steven L. Lindsey is the President and CEO of Spire Inc., a position he took on in October 2023 after a solid tenure as Executive Vice President and COO starting in 2020. Born in 1966, he has a Bachelor’s degree...

Number of Employees




Total Compensation




Board Justification

The company maintains a pay-for-performance philosophy, aligning executive compensation with corporate performance metrics and shareholder interests.



Board Justification

Annual incentive award based on corporate performance metrics and individual performance for fiscal year 2023, representing a 76% payout against target.



Board Justification

Includes 401(k) match, perquisites, and other benefits provided to the CEO.

Restricted Stock

$0.00(0 N/A)

Board Justification

No stock vested in 2023 as the focus is on the annual incentive and long-term incentive grants which are not included in the total compensation calculation.

Performance Metrics

Adjusted operating income and individual performance metrics are used to determine the annual incentive compensation.

SEC Filing

From December 13, 2023