John M. Barth served as the CEO of Johnson Controls International from 2006 to 2013, a time marked by significant changes in the company. During his tenure, Barth's total compensation peaked at over $18 million in 2013, heavily tied to...
John M. Barth served as the CEO of Johnson Controls International from 2006 to 2013, a time marked by significant changes in the company. During his tenure, Barth's total compensation peaked at over $18 million in 2013, heavily tied to company performance metrics like EBIT growth and return on sales, which shows a focus on aligning with shareholder interests. Barth's approach to leadership reflected a commitment to values and operational success, which is evident from the performance-oriented bonus structure that at times reached over 200% of the target. Interestingly, in 2008, Barth retired from his role as Chairman and CEO, right when the company had received attention for its strategic moves and financial performance. Aside from his executive role, Barth's investment decisions have been notable, with significant insider trades occurring from late 2019 through 2024, each averaging over $1 million per transaction. Overall, his journey in business highlights not just management skills but also a strategic insight into market trends and corporate governance.