Paul C. Saville is an experienced business leader who served as the President and CEO of NVR, Inc. from 2005 until 2022. He began his journey with NVR back in 1981 and climbed through various roles, showcasing his deep understanding...
Paul C. Saville is an experienced business leader who served as the President and CEO of NVR, Inc. from 2005 until 2022. He began his journey with NVR back in 1981 and climbed through various roles, showcasing his deep understanding of the company. Saville's leadership is marked by a consistent approach to aligning compensation with company performance—his pay structure includes base salary, bonuses, and stock that vests over several years, all aiming to drive long-term value for shareholders. In 2022, he transitioned to the role of Executive Chairman of the Board. During his time leading NVR, he observed significant fluctuations in stock values and his compensation reflected the performance—receiving over $1 million in 2022, partly from vested stock awards. Intriguingly, Saville directed NVR through challenges and growth phases, with the company's worth peaking at over $1 billion recently. His tenure not only reflects experience but a dedication to long-term results in the homebuilding industry, shaping how NVR operates in competitive markets.