Steven J. Hilton has been a key figure at Meritage Homes Corporation since 2006, serving as CEO until January 1, 2021. During his time, he guided the company through various challenges, notably securing performance-based bonuses tied to impressive metrics like...
Steven J. Hilton has been a key figure at Meritage Homes Corporation since 2006, serving as CEO until January 1, 2021. During his time, he guided the company through various challenges, notably securing performance-based bonuses tied to impressive metrics like customer satisfaction and home closings. In 2019, his total compensation neared $9.2 million, reflecting his success as a leader. Interestingly, Hilton is noted for significant fluctuations in his holdings, with values surpassing $68 million in late 2021 before experiencing some drops in 2022. His insider trading activity peaked around 2021, reaching over $140 million in one month. After announcing his retirement, he transitioned to an Executive Chairman role, continuing his influence on the company. Hilton's career showcases a blend of dedication and performance, making notable impacts in the competitive home-building industry.